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Sixth Form Attendance Policy 

Above all else, regular attendance is the key to success at Post-16 study, as it is proven that pupils that are in school achieve far better results than those who are consistently absent.  With this in mind, we ask all parents to fully support our Attendance Policy which is outlined below:

Target Attendance
Aside from exceptional circumstances, students’ target attendance is 96% over the course of the year.  This equates to no more than seven days’ leave due to illness or medical appointments. 

Students’ attendance is regularly monitored by their Head of House and those whose attendance is persistently low without valid reason will be asked to attend a meeting with Mrs D'Costa or Mrs Dunne. Further deterioration may result in their place in the Sixth Form being reviewed.

Students are expected to take responsibility for ensuring that they are present for registers.  Any student that is absent for their morning or afternoon register due to lateness is asked to present to Mrs Scott, the Attendance Officer, as soon as they arrive in school.  

In the event of illness, absence must be confirmed by a parent or carer by 9.30am or it cannot be authorised and will be classed as truancy.  Please call the school absence line on 01227 826200 or email attendance@st-anselms.org.uk. Parents of students that are absent with no reason given by this time will be contacted by Mrs Dunne or Mrs Scott.  In the case of repeated unexplained absence, parents/carers will be asked to attend a meeting with Mrs D'Costa.

Medical Appointments
When possible, please ensure that any medical appointments take place outside of school hours.  When a medical appointment is unavoidable, please can parents provide a confirmation email to attendance@st-anselms.org.uk before the appointment takes place

Holidays/Other Absences
Please note that absence due to holiday, part time work or driving lessons/tests will not be authorised under any circumstances.  In the event of any other absence such as university visits/interviews or family circumstances, please email Mrs Dunne directly.

Truancy from lessons (including Study Periods and Form Time) will result in an after school detention either with the subject teacher, Head of House or Mrs D'Costa.  Repeated truancy will lead to a review of the students’ place in the Sixth Form.  Please note that attendance to Form Time is compulsory for all students and no student is permitted to leave the school site before lunchtime.

Students that are persistently late may be required to make up the time in the Supervised Study Area. 

If at any time, you have concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dunne in confidence, who will be very happy to offer support and guidance.

Mrs D'Costa, Director of Sixth Form: k.dcosta@st-anselms.org.uk

Mrs Dunne, Sixth Form Support Officer: j.dunne@st-anselms.org.uk