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Frequently asked questions

What makes St. Anselm’s so special?

Please have a look at a copy of the school prospectus. This gives an outline of the values and ethos of the school. 

Who should I contact if I have a query or question?

In the first instance you should contact the your child’s house office. Details can be found on our House System page.

Further information is available via our Admissions page. 

What are the admission arrangements for St. Anselm’s?

Have a look at the admissions pages. These contain an overview of the admissions process, our oversubscription criteria and the supplementary information forms that you will need to apply for a place.

Where can I find a copy of the latest Ofsted report?

A copy of our last Ofsted report can be found in the Policies, statements and reports link on the left hand side of the page.. Alternatively you can download a copy from the Ofsted website

Where can I find details of exam results achieved by students at St. Anselm’s?

A table giving our latest key stage 4 exam results is contained in either the school prospectus or the separate examination results document. 

Where can I find details of the courses that you run?

An overview of the school curriculum can be found in the school prospectus.

Full details of the courses at Key Stage 4 and the qualifications that can be achieved can be found in the KS4 options booklet in the Curriculum menu above.

Full details of the courses offered in Key Stage 5 and the qualifications that can be achieved can be found in the 6th form prospectus.

How has the school spent its Pupil Premium money and what has been the impact?

This information can be found in the Policies, statements and reports link to the left hand side of this page.