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School Uniform

A copy of our Uniform Policy is also available via our Policies page.

It is the Governors’ policy that the full school uniform, as set out below, must be worn by all students in Years 7-11, and this includes travelling to and from school. We look for the total co-operation from parents and their children in this matter. As far as costs are concerned, school uniform will be found perhaps less expensive than other items of fashion, which students would otherwise expect parents to buy. Only school uniform should be worn inside school buildings. No hoodies are allowed on the premises.






Black with school badge


Black with school badge


Plain black (no jeans, chinos or other fashion trousers)




Plain black (no jeans, chinos or other fashion trousers)


ONLY the school official plain grey skirt


Plain white school shirt


Plain white school shirt


House tie


House tie


Shoes – Black leather shoes. i.e. no trainers, sports brands (Nike, adidas for example), no canvas footwear, no boots.


Shoes – Black leather shoes.  i.e. no trainers, sports brands (Nike, adidas for example), no canvas footwear, no boots. Low heels only.


V-necked jumper or cardigan, black (crew neck pullovers, sweatshirts, Performing Arts sweatshirts, hoodies or fleeces are not allowed)


V-necked jumper or cardigan, black (crew neck pullovers, sweatshirts, Performing Arts sweatshirts, hoodies or fleeces are not allowed)



Ankle Socks/Tights

Black tights of Black ankle socks


Outdoor coats should be practical, warm and waterproof. They are not to be worn in classrooms during lessons. They should not have inappropriate logos on them. No denim, leather jackets, fur/fur style coat or hoodies (including those with a full zip) are allowed on the premises. If a student is not in the correct uniform, a written note from his/her parent should be produced asking the School for exemption for a specific time. 

Appropriate footwear:

Not appropriate footwear:

School uniform, including our new school skirt, can be purchased from:-

Channel Uniforms
 By visiting their shop at Shop 1, Radnor Chambers, Cheriton Place, Folkestone or visit their website here.


All PE items can be purchased online via Ambition Sport.



St Anselms PE T-shirt 

St Anselms PE T-shirt 

Plain Black Boys Shorts

Plain Black Girls Leggings

Plain Black Boys Trackpants

Plain Black Girls skort or shorts

Plain Black Midlayer

Plain Black Midlayer

Football boots or outdoor trainers

Football boots or outdoor trainers

Indoor trainers

Indoor trainers

Change of socks/black football socks

Change of socks/black football socks



Plain black items are optional from Ambition Sport however, we do reccommend the quality of the girls leggings. If you purchase any items from other suppliers please ensure the leggings are of good quality with little or no logos.

Jewellery / Make-up

Jewellery is not allowed except for a watch and for girls and boys, only small stud earrings are permitted, no more than two in each ear. Nose and eyebrow studs etc are not permitted. Please contact the School if you are in doubt about a potential purchase. No make-up for Years 7 and 8 and only discreet make-up for Years 9, 10 and 11. No nail varnish, false nails, false eyelashes or lipstick is allowed. The final decision regarding the acceptability of school uniform lies with the Principal.


Irregular hair dyeing is not permitted. Sensible hair styles, no extravagant styles. Decision rests with the Principal.