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Curriculum Intent

KCSP Intent Statement

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.

John 10: Chapter 10. V 10.

Inspired by the Gospel values of love, joy and compassion, we nurture and develop the whole child so that each unique individual grows in confidence and has the knowledge and skills to enable them to achieve their true potential. All children will have access to a rich, ambitious curriculum which fosters curiosity, creativity and a love of life-long learning. It will prepare them well for the next stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.


St Anselm’s Catholic School Intent Statement.

Value: We have at the core of our curriculum the Gospel Values of  Love, Hope, Charity, Justice and Peace. These inform our curriculum, which serves all pupils and allows them to thrive academically, spiritually and socially.

Purpose: We provide a curriculum which is enjoyed and embraced by pupils and one that enables all levels of ability appropriate opportunities. Through the diversity of our curriculum we help develop our pupils so that they fulfil their potential, are appropriately equipped for the next stage in their life and are able to make a positive contribution to society underpinned by a strong sense of moral purpose