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Film Studies

Curriculum Leader

Mr W Barber

 Intent statement

Film is one of the main cultural innovations of the 20th century and a major art form of the last hundred years. Those who study it characteristically bring with them a high degree of enthusiasm and excitement for what is a powerful and culturally significant medium, inspiring a range of responses from the emotional to the reflective. Film Studies consequently makes an important contribution to the curriculum, offering the opportunity to investigate how film works both as a medium of representation and as an aesthetic medium.

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Overview

GCSE Specification


A-Level Specification


Revision Guides


A Level

Higher level Scheme of work



Learning Journeys

Year 10

Year 11


Year 12

Year 13

In line with the school's Mission, the English Department aims to promote the development of all its students so that they are able to achieve their full potential academically, spiritually and socially.

We seek to inspire our students to engage with their learning through their reading of a range of texts of all genres and periods. We encourage active participation in lessons through discussion and argument. Students are fully supported in their acquisition of writing skills for different purposes and audiences.

For more information please click on the relevant year group.