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How do we meet the requirements of the 16-19 study Programme

All students funded through the 16 to 19 funding methodology must be enrolled on a study programme, or T Level programme, which typically combines qualifications and other activities, and is tailored to each student’s prior attainment and career goals.

  • Every study programme must have a core aim. For the majority of students, this will be either the study of substantial technical, applied or academic qualification(s) or preparation for employment

At St Anselm’s Sixth Form programmes consists of a Level 3 programme. The Level 3 programme is composed of academic or applied qualifications with students studying a range of A-levels and Level 3 qualifications. We also offer Core Maths and the EPQ. 

  • Young people who do not hold a GCSE grade 4 (reformed grading) or grade C (legacy grading) in maths and/or English are required to continue these subjects as part of their study programme

At St Anselm’s Sixth Form, all students who do not hold a grade 4 in maths and/or English are provided with time on their programme to retake these subjects, and opportunities to resit the exams at various points throughout the two years.

  • All study programmes include work experience and non-qualification activities which complement the other elements of the programme and support the student to progress to further or higher education or to employment. The non-qualification activity should develop students’ character, skills, attitudes and confidence.

Students in our Sixth Form are expected to take part in a number of activities which provide them with opportunity to develop a range of “soft skills”. 

General RE and skills for Life lessons (PSHE) are used effectively to discuss a range of important issues and develop key skills; The Form time programme encourages students to develop academic skills including building the following Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication. Enrichment also allows opportunities for students to experience different opportunities to develop through a range of team and individual activities. All students receive careers and future planning support.

The Prime Minister has set a mission for all young people to study maths to age 18, equipping them with the skills they need for the modern economy. Given this future direction, providers should consider if early steps can be made to include maths in 16 to 19 study programmes which previously did not include this.

At St Anselm's we have added Core Maths as part of our curriculum offer to allow more students to access further Maths qualification within the curriculum above and beyond Level 2. 

The 16 to 19 tuition fund is aimed at supporting small group tuition for students aged 16 to 19 in English, maths and other subjects that have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic to recover lost learning.

At St Anselm's we continue to use the 16-19 tuition fund to support small group tuition for students to enable them to recover lost learning. 

Further information about the 16-19 Study Programme can be found on the gov.uk website, by clicking here.