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Modern Foreign Languages

Curriculum Leaders

Miss Dumont & Ms Ferre

Curriculum Intent statement

The Modern Language Department aims to instil in young learners a love and respect for Language. From the outset, we seek to provide students with the vocabulary, structure and confidence to enable them to enjoy their language learning. Across a range of topics relevant to their lives, they will get the opportunity to accrue an expanding bank of useful, topic-specific vocabulary within a growing pool of transferable structures. The intent at Key Stage 3 is to allow students to recognise and use their skills of logic, organisation and communication

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Overview

French GCSE Specification

Spanish GCSE Specification

Revision Guides


GCSE AQA French Revision Guide

GCSE AQA French Complete Revision and Practice

GCSE AQA French Pearson Revision Guide

GCSE AQA French Pearson Revision Workbook

GCSE AQA French Vocabulary Revision Question Cards

GCSE AQA French Grammar & Translation Revision Question Cards


GCSE AQA Spanish Revision Guide

GCSE AQA Spanish Complete  Revision and Practice

GCSE AQA Viva! Spanish Revision Guide

GCSE AQA Viva! Spanish Revision Workbook

GCSE AQA Spanish Vocabulary Revision Question Cards

GCSE AQA Spanish Grammar & Translation Revision Question Cards

Revision Guides


Higher level Scheme of work



Year 7 SOW

Year 8 SOW

Year 9 SOW

Year 10 SOW

Year 11 SOW

Year 7 SOW

Year 8 SOW

Year 9 SOW

Year 10 SOW

Year 11 SOW

Learning Journeys 

Year 7 

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 7 

Year 8

Year 9 

Year 10

Year 11



"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."  Nelson Mandela

The Modern Language Department currently provides French and Spanish  to GCSE level, with both being similar in content and assessment.

At St. Anselm's, we recognise that the students are the global citizens of the future, and so we aim to equip them with the necessary skills to speak, understand, read and write another language to the very best of their ability. The study of another language also enables them to acquire and practise the valuable skills of communication, logic and problem solving along with the pure enjoyment of learning about different societies and cultures. 

It is our aim to engage the students by making use of a combination of authentic materials such as songs and video clips, as well as  the state-of-the-art online resources.  



A selection of online resources for modern foreign languages.


The key to language acquisition begins with a familiarity with phonics and vocabulary, coupled with a competent grasp of key grammar. This in turn leads to the comprehension and production of more complex Spanish or French. Wherever they are on this journey, and whatever skill they are focussing on, the students benefit heavily from the use of online learning, with its interactivity and gamification. 

Key Stage 3

We have a 3 year Key Stage 3 syllabus which gives the students enough time to fully develop their language skills, whilst focussing on a variety of topics ranging from home life and free-times to food and drink and holidays. By the time they reach the end of Year 9, they will be equipped with the necessary attributes to not only cope whilst overseas but also communicate globally. Our syllabus adheres quite closely to the Studio series of books for French and the Viva books for Spanish. Homework is weekly and alternates between revising vocabulary for a test and a written/reading exercise.

Key Stage 4

The study of a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE Level is currently an integral part of the group of subjects that constitute the English Baccalaureate and undoubtedly leads to better career prospects. There is a rich curriculum that involves a combination revisiting the topics already learnt and boosting it with themes such as the world of careers, the environment and global citizenship. There is a greater emphasis on productive Spanish and French and students are encouraged to engage in Target Language where possible. Once again we use the Studio textbook for French and Viva for Spanish, with the Higher and Foundation editions being deployed for differentiation. Students sit exams set by the AQA examination board and we dedicate 3 double lessons a fortnight to each language. 

Department Staff:


Ms O. Ferre (Teacher of French and Spanish) - o.ferre@st-anselms.org.uk

Miss C. Dumont (Teacher of French and Spanish) - c.dumont@st-anselms.org.uk

Mrs S. Leddington (Teacher of French) - s.leddington@st-anselms.org.uk