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Curriculum Leader

Mrs Weston

Curriculum Intent statement

We are following the Curriculum Directory as set out by the Bishops of England and Wales. As a Catholic School this is what we are directed to do by the Southwark Arch-dioscese. At KS3 we are building on the Curriculum Directory of Revelation, Church, Celebration and Life of Christ from KS1 and KS2. At GCSE we are following Edexcel Catholic Christianity which covers the areas of the Curriculum Directory. At KS5 we teach Eduqas Christianity, Philosophy and Ethics. The Curriculum Directory broadly follows the structure of the Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which are Revelation of God in Jesus Christ is ‘the foundation of faith’. The Church is the people of God working to praise God by 2 sharing Christ’s mission in the world. Celebration, students are guided through a continually enriching celebration of the mystery of God in liturgy and prayer and come to understand the sacraments as privileged encounters with Jesus Christ. Life in Christ which leads students into a deeper understanding of life in Jesus Christ through the Church, this introduces students to the challenges and joys of living the Christian life, understanding that it is only through Christ that we can fully live out God’s plans for our lives.

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Plan

Curriculum Overview

GCSE Specification

A-Level Specification

Revision Guides



Higher level Scheme of work

Year 7 SOW

Year 8 SOW

Year 9 SOW

Strive SOW

Year 10 SOW

Year 11 SOW

Year 12 SOW  Ethics     Philosophy

Year 13 SOW  Ethics     Philosophy

Year 12 General RE

Year 13 General RE

Learning Journeys

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Strive Learning Journey

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

KS5 Philosophy

Year 12 General RE

Year 13 General RE

Core RE Learning Journey Year 12

Core RE Learning Journey Year 13


A warm welcome to our RE department.

I have come to give you life and live it to the full"

John 10:10

As a Catholic School, RE lies at the heart of our school community. All we do in our department is in line with the School’s mission and aims towards a holistic development of our students. Our department   contributes to the  liturgical life of the school with the Chaplaincy team and the School Chaplain.  All students are encouraged to be involved in the different acts of worship.  These include daily acts of worship which happens in P1, form group prayers, a weekly mass, liturgical events, whole school masses and services based on the Church’s liturgical Year. For example we hold the Christmas Carol service, St Anselm's feast day mass at Canterbury Cathedral, Ash Wednesday, Advent and lenten services and St Peter and St Paul outdoor mass. 

 The RE department prides itself on the professionalism and dedication of four full time members of staff, who deliver the full RE curriculum to KS3, KS4 and KS5. 

At Key Stage 3, RE is taught to all students. Our RE Key Stage 3 modules fulfil all the requirements of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Curriculum Directory. We follow a structured syllabus: The Way, The Truth and the Life.’ In addition to this, each year pupils will  study one world religion. Independently and collaboratively, students have the opportunity to study the above curriculum in four cycles. Students are regularly assessed during each cycle as well as end of year exams.

Year 7 and Year 8 are offered an opportunity to work towards the Faith in Action award which is about service and love in our school community and in student's local areas where they live. 

At Key Stage 4 we are following the Edexcel A Catholic Christianity course.  This allows students to study the Catholic faith in greater detail. Alongside of this they study Judaism Beliefs and Practices, Ethics and Philosophy. As well as the skills of developing explanations and opinions, students develop skills to debate, argue, evaluate and analyse. 

Sixth form are offered A level Philosophy and Ethics and General RE in tutor time which is based around social issues through the lense of the Catholic Faith which allows students to grow and make informed decisions. 


Department staff:

Mrs Weston (Curriculum Leader) - m.weston@st-anselms.org.uk 

Mr W Grady (Teacher) - w.grady@st-anselms.org.uk 

Mr S Angafor (Teacher) - s.angafor@st-anselms.org.uk

Mr R Follington (Teacher) - r.follington@st-anselms.org.uk