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Year 12 and 13

Year 12 and 13

The following courses are offered at Key Stage 5 within the English Department:


A level English Language

A Level English Literature


Course Specifications

Please find the specifications below for our A levels in English Language and English Literature. Media studies and Film Studies will be provided when they are available from the relevant examination boards.

A Level English Language

A level English Literature


The Ethos of A levels within English

Students are expected to be independent learners who research their own theories and ideas related to subject content. Students will be encouraged contribute to lessons through discussions and group activities, as well as to investigate ideas at a deep level by developing their individual academic essay writing skills reflectively


Where can these courses take me?

Law, Journalism, Teaching (both primary and secondary), Social Work, Librarian, Research, Media: English Literature is one of the A Levels recommended for Russell Group applicants.