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As part of the school’s intervention and support programme, all  students have been asked to start using the PiXL  Apps to support their class work.

These apps are completely free and are provided by PiXL, a group that we work closely with to help improve the outcomes of our students.

 Students are able to access PiXL apps on their phone, tablet or any PC and complete practice questions, mini tests and competition games to help improve their understanding and skill in mathematics.

The school ID is AS913 and student login and password are the first part of the students’ school email address. The password will be the same as the login.

Please note that if your child's surname is hyphenated it may be that the login and password only use the first part of the name.

Click the PiXL Maths App picture below to be taken to links to find the App

If you encounter any difficulties, please send a message outlining the difficulty using the email link below.

Please note that if you want to view the app on your computer (Desktop App) you must ensure that Flash is enabled on your web browser. 

P. Georgiou   13/03/2020

What does Mathematics at St. Anselm's look like?

Key Stage 3: Year 7 & 8

When pupils arrive in year 7 they spend a week being taught in their form groups, working on tasks related to handling data. During this time, they sit their CATs (Cognitive Ability Tests). The results of these, along with their Key Stage 2 score enables the school to set students dependant on ability and for the second in department, Mr Rescorla, to put your child in the group that best fits their needs.

We have within St. Anselm's an Accelerated Learning Group (ALG) of students who have achieved consistently well at key stage 2 in all their primary school subjects. These students are progressed at a faster rate appropriate for their ability.

GCSE Mathematics: Year 9, 10, 11

Mathematics is compulsory at GCSE and so all year 9 students are put into groups relevant to their ability, dependant on a number of factors: the grade achieved at the end of year 8 ( internally assessed work ) and their potential in maths, this is taken from cognitive ability tests and predictions based on national data analysis.

Students build upon their learning from year 7 and 8. Assessment takes place at the end of year 11 and comprises three externally assessed papers; one non-calculator paper and two papers which allow the use of a calculator.

There are two options for the exam, a Higher paper which covers topics ranging from grade 9 to 4 or a Foundation paper which covers grades 5 to 1. Grade 5 is now considered to be a good pass at GCSE and is the target for all students to achieve as a minimum.

The final decision as to whether the higher or foundation paper is taken takes place after discussion between teacher, student and carers. The aim of course is to produce the best possible result for the student. The final decision will not be made until the January of year 11.

A-Level Mathematics in the Sixth Form

The A-Level mathematics syllabus has now changed and will come in from September 2017.

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:

  • understand mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence, fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation for progress to further study

  • extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques

  • understand coherence and progression in mathematics and how different areas of mathematics are connected

  • apply mathematics in other fields of study and be aware of the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in general

  • use their mathematical knowledge to make ological and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts and communicate the mathematical rationale for these decisions clearly

  • reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning

  • generalise mathematically

  • construct mathematical proofs

  • use their mathematical skills and techniques to solve challenging problems which require them to decide on the solution strategy

  • recognise when mathematics can be used to analyse and solve a problem in context

  • represent situations mathematically and understand the relationship between problems in context and mathematical models that may be applied to solve them

  • draw diagrams and sketch graphs to help explore mathematical situations and interpret solutions

  • make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions by using mathematical reasoning

  • interpret solutions and communicate their interpretation effectively in the context of the problem

  • read and comprehend mathematical arguments, including justifications of methods and formulae and communicate their understanding

  • read and comoprehend articles concerning applications of mathematics and communicagte theri understanding

  • use technology such as calculators and computers effectively and recognise when such use may be inappropriate

  • take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluatoin of their own mathematical development.

Students can choose to study either an A Level (2 years) or AS Level (1 year) in mathematics. The minimum requirement for a student to study A Level Mathematics is a Grade 6 or higher.

AS Level

This consists of two exam papers sat at the end of year 12:

  • Paper 1 - Pure Mathematics (2 hours, 100 marks)

  • Paper 2 - Staticstics and Mechanics (1 hour, 50 marks - 25 for Section A on Statistics and 25 for Section B on Mechanics)

A Level

This consists of three exam papers sat at the end of year 13:

  • Paper 1 - Pure Mathematics 1 (2 hours, 100 marks)

  • Paper 2 - Pure Mathematics 2 (2 hours, 100 marks)

  • Paper 3 - Statistics and Mechanics (2 hours, 100 marks - 50 for Section A on Statistics and 50 for Section B on Mechanics)

The content of the course for each of the above sections is listed below.

Pure Mathematics 1

Topic 1


Topic 2

Algebra and Functions

Topic 3

Coordinate Geometry in the (x,y) plane

Topic 4

Sequences and Series

Topic 5


Topic 6

Exponentials and Logarithms

Topic 7


Topic 8


Topic 9


 Pure Mathematics 2

Topic 1


Topic 2

Algebra and Functions

Topic 3

Coordinate Geometry in the (x,y) plane

Topic 4

Sequences and Series

Topic 5


Topic 6


Topic 7


Topic 8

Numerical Methods

 Statistics and Mechanics

 Section A: Statistics

Topic 1

Statistical Sampling

Topic 2

Data Presentation and Interperetation

Topic 3


Topic 4

Statistical Distributions

Topic 5

Statistical Hypothesis Testing

 Section B: Mechanics

Topic 6

Quantities and Units in Mechanics

Topic 7


Topic 8

Forces and Newton's Laws

 9th December 2016