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Environment and sustainability

The school's eco club members  have made a significant contribution to achieving eco schools green flag status.

The club meets every week where we discuss and implement environmental and sustainability issues. 

Contact Mr Lees (a.lees@st-anselms.org.uk). 

St Anselm's Eco-Code

Eco code

RHS school gardening status 

Since starting gardening during the Inspire sessions in September we have succeeded in growing a variety of fruit and vegetables in our allotment area with the financial support of the PTA and Senior Team.

We have just been awarded a Level 3 gardening award from the RHS as a result of our project work during Activities week creating a compost bin and bug hotels.

Our young gardeners have learnt what they can and cannot put on the compost heap and the importance of insects for biodiversity.

We will receive £50 worth of gardening vouchers from the RHS as well as a copy of their excellent book Gardening throughout the year and a gardening calendar with monthly gardening tips.

Next term we will be working towards Level 4 which will involve cooking a meal with our produce. It is an exciting and rewarding activity which our students thoroughly enjoy.