term 5 Home learning resources
If it is your assessment week, then please click here.
Please find below the links for home learning resources for Term 5. Each student will have access to all of their subjects and a sequence of lessons within their subjects. If students work their way through the content provided (a good suggestion would be to tackle 3 or 4 lessons per day from varying subjects) and to compete the tasks associated with these lessons. The vast majority of these tasks can be self-assessed therefore allowing students to check on their knowledge straight away and in turn understand where they need to make improvements.
It should be noted that students should either collate this work within their own area on ‘Onedrive’ if they are completing work electronically, or collate this in a folder if they are completing the work by hand.
Video Help Guides:
Click here to understand how to access your home learning resources via a PC or Laptop.
Click here to understand how to access your home learning resources via a mobile phone or tablet.
Click here for a parental guide to help support with home schooling.
Please note – these resources are accessed via SharePoint within Office 365 and therefore your child will need to log on using their school email and password
Year group |
Lessons |
Year 7 | Open here |
Year 8 | Open here |
Year 9 | Open here |
Year 10 | Open here |
Year 11 | Open here |
Year 12 | Open here |
Year 13 | Open here |
Additional information (SEN PSHE Mindset ) |
Open here |
Prayer and Reflection |
Open here |
Formal assessments will follow and students will be tested on the content they have been learning. Each Year group will have a one week assessment window and these are detailed below. These assessments along with work they have been completing in school will be the grades that are then entered for students for their end of year reports.
Year Group |
Assessment Window (Week commencing) |
Year 7 | 1st June 2020 |
Year 8 | 1st June 2020 |
Year 9 | 15th June 2020 |
Year 10 | 18th May 2020 |