"Sixth Form students play an important part in school life by leading assemblies and hosting events for the local community." OFSTED 2023
For our existing students, the decision to continue studying within the school environment carries certain advantages which can lead to better results. Students settle more quickly with teachers they already know and who know them, and they continue to have the support of friends. Having said this, the school is open to external applications and we have an excellent record of enrolling students from other schools and helping them to achieve very good results. Our friendly and welcoming school is an environment where students who want a change can come and expect to be successful.
A decision to enter the Sixth Form at St Anselm's means that you have made a commitment to hard work, self-discipline and responsibility. In return, you can expect excellent teaching, full career and pastoral support and a wealth of leadership and enrichment opportunities.
We currently have just over 200 students in our sixth form.
"The school has high aspirations for all students." OFSTED 2023
The Sixth Form Centre
We are very fortunate to have our own Sixth Form Centre, which is located at the heart of the school.
It is a dedicated space for students to study and socialise during breaks and lunchtimes. We have two study rooms, an outside seating area, a large number of computers and laptops available and our own Sixth Form Cafe with Costa coffee.
Academic and Pastoral Support
Students in the Sixth Form are part of the house system within Gregory House (more detail on Gregory House can be found here). They will be with students in their year group as part of their tutor group who have a 30-minute tutor period each day. This allows the tutor to build relationships with their tutees to offer help and advice as they prepare for the next stage in life. In addition to this, we also have a Sixth Form Support Officer who provides pastoral support working alongside the Director of Sixth Form.
Students receive challenging and engaging lessons from subject specialists who will also offer additional revision sessions which may take place at lunchtime, after school or in the Easter break. The school will also offer a revision event for parents in Year 13 so they can best support their child through their A levels. Subject staff also run extra-curricular clubs such as our Medics society.
Our Catholic Ethos
The message of Christianity is at the heart of all our activities and our Sixth Form students are greatly valued for the part they play in the spiritual and caring life of the school. We endeavour to foster an atmosphere of kindness and acceptance so that every member of our Sixth Form may enjoy their time with us and feel a part of our community.
This Catholic ethos extends to giving service within the wider school and charity work. Some students become part of the Chaplaincy Team and make a highly valued contribution to the liturgical life of the school. Sixth Form students are also encouraged to help younger pupils by volunteering for peer mentoring or reading programmes.
Careers support
We provide substantial careers support in the form of work experience opportunities, CV writing and interview skills workshops, apprenticeship workshops, careers and university fairs, UCAS support and the services of an independent Careers Advisor. Our Sixth Form Team is also always on hand to offer informal advice and assistance.
These are some destinations of past students:
Students are encouraged to take on part time jobs as employers and universities like to see that students have experience of the working world. However, the hours of these jobs do need to be carefully balanced against the demands of the courses chosen and should not be during school time. It is recommended that students should not work more than 8 hours per week in their part time job.
Leadership opportunities and enrichment
In addition to the positions of the Prefect Team, we also have a Student Leadership Group who form committees such as wellbeing, sport, environment and charity. Students are actively encouraged to join these committees in which ever area they feel they have the most to offer and the experience proves invaluable for building employment skills such as teamwork and organisation.
As well as working hard, we make time to have fun. We have many enrichment activities, such as cooking, which take place during form time and after school. Students are able to use the gym at designated times and have a weekly lunch-time football session. We also offer a number of trips throughout the year and there is also the Year 13 leavers' events and ball, which is organised by the Student Leadership Group.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
The EPQ is ideal for students who wish to further enhance their UCAS application. The EPQ is worth extra UCAS points and so can potentially help students meet the conditions of their University place offer.
The EPQ allows students to produce a piece of work that is individual to them, whether it is a written research report, event or creative artefact.
More and more universities are recognising the EPQ qualification and it gives students the opportunity to produce a piece of work, potentially linked to their chosen course.
It is an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to be a self-motivated individual with useful skills in their chosen field.
If you are interested in signing up for the EPQ please contact Mrs D'Costa (Director of Sixth Form).
Privileges and expectations
Our Sixth Formers do not wear uniform and are permitted to leave school during lunchtime if they wish. As the year progresses, home study may be awarded to those students who have shown that they are fully committed to their studies.
Students that have chosen to enter the Sixth Form do so in the knowledge that they will be expected to apply their very best efforts to their studies and personal development. Students continue to receive quarterly reports and we keep in close contact with parents and carers. We believe that this support is vital and helps to ensure that our students go on to achieve their goals of Higher Education or employment.
Useful documents
Sixth Form Policies and Agreements
Starting Sixth Form Handbook