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BTEC visit to CCCU Sports Lab

On Thursday 7th November, the Year 12 and 13 PE class visited the sport and exercise science department at Christ Church University as part of a fitness testing unit for Btec Sport. The students took part in a series of fitness tests to get real-life experience of how these tests are conducted in a scientific, laboratory environment. The students had an opportunity to test their lungs’ vital capacity using a spirometry machine, and discussed the possible factors that may have influenced their results with the help of the University representatives. The students used a ‘’BodPod’’ machine to measure their body composition and considered how the results might be used by professional athletes to develop training plans and regimes aimed at enhancing their performance or preparing for competitions. The students also took part in some physical fitness tests that measured their anaerobic and aerobic fitness, performing the windgate cycling test and vO2 max test. At the end of the day the students split into their year groups and participated in a reaction board challenge; with a score of 3-3 and one member of each team remaining, the Year 13s were able to take home the win and secured their title as the better sixth form year group. Then we went Morrisons to replenish our lost protein and glycogen stores.

Michal Ozmina - BTEC student and Head Boy