Carnegie Award and Carnegie Club
With the partial school closure being enforced, I really hope that you will encourage your children to take part in our Carnegie Club this year. We don't have to meet up, it can all be done online, and here's how.
Firstly, you need to go to the Carnegie Shortlist page, here: All the books are here with brief summaries to give you an idea of what they are about and what age-range they are suitable for.
When your child has read a book, he or she needs to return to this page and click directly on the book read; this will take him or her to a page where the can submit a review, or enter artwork inspired by the book. There is also a tab on the page which will enable students to directly ask the author questions: new this year.
However, we're really about submitting reviews.
To do this, click on the 'Submit review' tab under the book. Students then have to select our reading group in the tab below, which is St Anselm's Readers, and enter the Pass Key, which is LOVEBIRD. As soon as your child submits a review, I will receive an email prompting me to check it and verify it, and when I have done this the review will be uploaded onto the Carnegie site for the world to read.
I really hope that you will encourage your child to take part. It really is a great feeling when you finish all eight books before the deadline in June, and super to see your review up on the World Wide Web.
Contact me on for more information.
Adam Anderson, 2iC English