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Maths Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find below a copy of the Mathematics Department newsletter.  

There have been a number of these that have gone out to students in their forms, but the replies to the problem of the week have been a little thin on the ground.  As such, I'm sending out a copy of the newsletter to yourselves so that you can encourage your children to enter.  Each correct entry will earn an achievement point.  On top of this, each entry from yourselves for the parent's problem, will earn an achievement point for them too (maybe a nice Christmas present from yourselves...).

In order to increase the number of entries into the annual maths competition 'The Cubed', we asking you to encourage your children to solve the attached round 1 code breaking puzzle, the successful entrants will then go through to round 2 next term.

The aim of the newsletter is to encourage participation in maths outside of the classroom.  In addition to this, it gives other information such as possible careers, revision advice, the lives of famous mathematicians etc

All competition entries can be submitted to any of the maths department, or emailed to myself w.rescorla@st-anselms.org.uk

Many thanks and have a wonderful Christmas break,

Mr Rescorla

Second in Maths

Maths Newsletter


The Cubed