We have granted funds for the following:-
- Digital cameras for DT department
- Materials for an inter-school 'Blood hound' challenge
- Rewards for Year 8
- Materials for Jewellery club
- Basket ball strips for junior and senior teams
- Bench(s) for bird garden
- Ukuleles
- Guitars
- Long jump pit
- Seeds and Plants
- Wii - PE for less able students
- High Definition TV
- Washing machine and kitchen equipment
- Mini Bus fuel costs
- Mass sheets and missal
- A2 picture frames
- Perspex cover for display boards
- Three complete class sets of new Bibles
- New class dictionaries
- Musical instruments (Bodrans, Ukuleles, Penny whistles)
- Computer controlled telescope and camera for a new Astronomy club
- Gardening equipment for the Vegetable Garden
- Visualiser for History
- Display boards and presentation cabinets
- Recycling bins for class and play areas
- Indoor cricket nets
- Satellite Navigation system for school minibus 3D rapid prototyping machine for DT department.
We are very proud of these achievements and thank everybody for their generosity and support.
A memorial garden has been provided along with two of eight recycled benches place around the school.