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We appreciate that deciding what you want to do with your future is never easy, so we have compiled a selection of resources that should help you to expand your knowledge and hopefully make it easier to discover the right career for you.

No single resource will give you the answers you are looking for, so take the time to use all of these resources and you will soon find there are lots of options open to you.

If when you have completed some research, you would like to talk through your options with our independent careers advisor, Anne Cameron from (EBP) Education Business Partnership, please feel free to request a meeting via Miss Penfold or contact her directly at anne.cameron@ebpkent.co.uk

Careers Resources 


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What is it?

The National Careers Service is the number one careers resource in the UK. It offers resources, support, guidance, and impartial advice to people of all ages and is completely free!


Search for different job roles to find out what the job is like, what qualifications you need and what salary you will earn.


Not sure what job you might like - click on the skills assessment to see what jobs might suit your skill set.

UCAS has a really good careers quiz to help you look at what jobs and careers might be of interest to you.

icould is a really useful way to find out about the jobs people do by listening to their experiences. The website features interviews and short videos with people from a range of jobs and one 5 minute video could tell you something about your own future. You can also take the Buzz Test which is a fun test looking at your work style, career areas and personality animal type - are you a dolphin or a teddy bear!?

Like icould, Careers Box provides you with video insights into people’s roles and careers. Use it alongside Icould to find out what people like about their jobs and what you might like or dislike in future.

Bright Knowledge has been set up by the brilliant Brightside group to provide you with information about different careers, job sectors, and opportunities.


Use it to learn more about the opportunities that are out there. It’s possible that the perfect job for you is out there but you don’t know that it exists; websites like Bright Knowledge can help you to discover it.


National website advertising all apprenticeship vacancies across the country. Search for vacancies based on location and skill area, create an account and apply.


Kent website looking at Apprenticeships available in the county.

Kent Choices is the central place for information on courses and apprenticeships within Kent. Use this website in Year 11 to make your post-16 applications online, track their progress and accept offers. Other year groups may use this site to gain an understanding of the types of courses that will be available to them at post-16.

UCAS is not only the website that you use to apply to university; it also has a wealth of information regarding university courses available and careers advice.

The National Citizen Service is a fantastic opportunity for students aged 15-17. The scheme offers students the opportunity to spend their summer, autumn, or spring holidays taking part in adventure weeks with their friends. This is a really popular scheme and well worth a look. It will also help you develop new skills, meet new people and add something very impressive to your CV.

Young Enterprise provides opportunities for ambitious young people to develop their ideas and abilities through challenges and information. Use it to find opportunities to show off your skills or build on your ideas!


Young Start Up Talent is an incredible opportunity for young people aged 16-25 to build on their ideas in business. Your idea can be in any sector or area and the scheme offers you the opportunity to take part in their competition and win £50,000 of funding and support to launch your business! Use it to take a chance on your ideas and to try for the opportunity of a lifetime.

Kent LMI looks allows you to look at what jobs and careers are available in your area.

Adzuna brings together millions of job adverts from thousands of websites, with powerful search options to make job hunting easier.  Explore where jobs are in your local area, and use the Value My CV tool to make sure your CV is optimised. 


Other Support Resources

Any teacher, member of the House Team at St Anselm’s Catholic School would always be there to support you.  You can approach this network of support or Miss Penfold directly at any time.  There are many local and national charities and support groups that exist to provide support and guidance to young people, whatever their circumstances.  Some of these are listed below. 


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What is it?


Red Cross Youth - The British Red Cross offers great opportunities for young people to get involved and gain experience and qualifications. If you’d like to volunteer, meet new people, and gain qualifications in areas like first aid then pop in to see them at 2 Lower Chantry Ln, 0845 564 8835


The Jobcentre - If you or a family member are looking for work then the Jobcentre is one of the best places to start. There may be financial support and coaching available to help you or your relatives to find work. Pop in to see them at Northgate House, 115-120 Northgate, Canterbury CT1 1EZ or contact them on: 0800 169 0190

 For more support - click here.