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Safer Internet Day – 8th February 2022

About Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2022 is on 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.  Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.

Information for Parent and Carers

Have a look at the tips and links in the parent and carers section with some suggestions on how to get you started and help you to stay safe and positive online. You and your family can #PlayYourPart in creating a better internet by…

Parent and Carers


Information for Students

The internet can be a great place to learn new things, keep in touch with friends, and to have fun. Look at the tips on the student section to help you to stay safe and positive online, as well as how you can #PlayYourPart in creating a better internet by…

Advice for 11-18 year olds